Add A Service

Youth Services and agencies that are located in Melbourne's west and are accessible to young people living, studying, or working in or near Brimbank are encouraged to submit their organisation and service details to be listed in the Brimbank Online Youth Directory.  If your service is not located in the west of Melbourne but it provides services to young people in and around Brimbank then please contact us at:  

All added servcies/agencies are not automatically published and will be reviewed by the site administrator. 

Agency/organisation contact details
Service/program details
If more than one site please add the additional details below under Additional Sites. e.g. 212 Dendy Street Brighton VIC 3187
e.g. 9888 1000
e.g. 0400 000 000
e.g. 9888 1000
Please provide up to 2 key sentences describing this Service/Program. Please note eligibility criteria (i.e. age or costs) is not required here as it is explicitly provided in the eligibility field. For examples, please refer to the A-Z Services listing.
Extended service/program information
Service/program participation
Please specify the additional Participation Type details, e.g. "Court Orders".
Service/program categorisation
The audience indicates who the service is for and who will receive the service.
Please select the Urgency Level of the Service/Program. You may tick more than one urgency level.
Please select a category that best describes this Service/Program. At least one category is required.
This field is optional. However, if this Service/Program relates to additional categories, then select the most appropriate one here.
This field is optional. However, if this Service/Program relates to additional categories, then select the most appropriate one here.
Indicates the geographic area(s) where the Service/Program can be provided /accessed (NOT where the service building is located).
Submit service/program details