Parenting Education - Mackillop Family Services

  1. About this service

    MacKillop runs a range of parenting courses throughout the year, designed to support families to build strong and positive relationships.

    All courses aim to help parents and/or carers:

    - Build better communication skills with their child
    - Understand the different ages and stages for emotional development
    - Rraise independent, self-motivated children
    - Build positive self-esteem for healthy social development.

    Available courses

    Bringing up Great Kids
    The Bringing up Great Kids series of courses support parents to raise happy, confident children. Each course runs over six consecutive weeks, for two hours at a time. The courses are free.

    Bringing Up Great Kids – the early years (0-6 years)
    Bringing Up Great Kids (6-10 years)
    Bringing Up Great Kids – Aboriginal families

    Circle of Security
    The Circle of Security parenting course looks at how parents can build their relationship with their children and enhance attachment. Studies show that infants and children who have secure attachment to their primary caregiver can develop more resilience, better social and problem-solving skills and higher self-esteem. This can assist children to maintain positive relationships throughout their lives. This course runs for eight consecutive weeks, for two hours at a time. It is available to the parents of children aged up to 5 years.

    Tuning in to Kids, Tuning in to Teens and Dads Tuning into Kids
    The Tuning into parenting courses help parents to build strong, healthy relationships with their children and teenagers. This course provides participants with tools and strategies based on the latest evidence and research. The workshops are free for parents.

    Tuning in to Kids is available to the parents of children aged 3-12 years
    Tuning in to Teens is available to the parents of young people aged 12-18 years
    Dads Tuning into Kids is available to Dads to children aged 3-12 years

    Stepping Stones PPP
    Stepping Stones PPP is an internationally recognised education cours supporting the parents of a child with a physical or intellectual disability, a delay or an emerging behavioural issue. Through a series of workshops and seminars, parents are supported to better manage their child’s behavioural or developmental issues. The course is available to the parents and carers (including grandparents) of children aged between 2-12 years.

    How to access these programs
    MacKillops' parenting courses are available to families living in Melbourne's metropolitan western region. The workshops are held at various community locations. Courses are available to all families. Please contact us on the details above for further information. If needed, we will provide child minding at each session.

      • Service name

        Parenting Education - Mackillop Family Services

      • Service address

        118 Commercial Road Footscray VIC 3011
        Get directions

      • Phone

        9680 8444

      • Urgency levels

        Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

      • Service type


  2. Parenting Education - Mackillop Family Services